Reminders, 9/25

Dear families,

Some Hrvatska Skola reminders/updates:

1. As a reminder, classes were CANCELLED for Friday, 9/25, due to the Papal Visit in NYC

2. Parent meeting was rescheduled to Friday, 10/2 at 8pm in the Velika Dvorana

3. Attached is a flyer for a trip to Fright Fest Six Flags, Saturday, 10/24

4. Remember to order from the Apparel Fundraising packets. They were in your welcome folders and also available on the Documents page.  These are due by Friday, 10/23.

5. The workbooks for 1st and 2nd Grades are already printed and being used in the classroom. Those copies will stay in the classroom each week. If you would like to have your own copy at home, please see our Documents page for each book so you can print the pages you want or the whole book to have at home.

6. The last day to register your child is next Friday, October 2, 2015.

Thank you!

Best regards,
Croatian School Board


Mass on Sunday, 9/20, to celebrate the new 2015-2016 school year

Dragi roditelji, mladi i djeco,

U Nedjelju započimamo službeno novu školslu i vjeronaučnu godinu koju želimo započeti s Božjim blagoslovom.

Stoga Vas sve pozivam a i nalažem da dođete na svetu misu u 11 sati na kojoj ćemo se zajednički pomoliti za Božji blagoslov te zazvati Duha Svetoga da nam pomogne u vremenu koje je pred nama da bi nam ovo zajedničko vrijeme bilo blagoslovljeno i plodno.

Vaši fra Nikola i fra. Dražan


Class Cancelled & Parent Meeting Postponed


Please be advised that the Croatian School Board has decided to cancel the school session that will be held on Friday, 9/25 due to the Papal visit in NYC.

Also, the Parent Meeting will be held on Friday, October 2.

A revised school calendar has been posted on our Documents page.

Thank you!!



Heritage Croatian Language curriculum for 3rd – 6th grades

Hi parents and teachers,

Since this is the first year of the new Heritage Croatian language on-line program, all grades from 3rd-6th will be following the same curriculum (the 3rd grade path). Attached you will find what the lessons are based on for the entire year from Sept until May:

1. 3rd grade curriculum (the weekly schedule of what the online lessons are based on)

2. 3rd grade workbook (a short workbook showing exactly what phases will be learned each week)

3. 3rd grade answer key

If your child is more advanced or wants to move at a quicker pace (especially the 5th/6th graders), feel free to move on to the later lessons and move at your own pace…that is the benefit of this online program. There are 4 years-worth of lessons for the children to work on, study, and hopefully speak so that today’s 3rd graders will have a path of learning all the way through the end of their 6th grade year. The hope is that we will have a blueprint for the future so that the children will learn and speak basic Croatian.

The teachers have all of this same information and will be teaching this same material from 3rd to 6th grades. There are tips for the teachers on sample classroom activities associated with what the online lessons are and they will be coming up with classroom games to make this a fun classroom experience We want the students, teachers, and parents to be on the same page and create a standard way for the students to know what is expected of them.

The 1st grade will be learning the alphabet and basic words.  Meanwhile, the 2nd graders will continue with vocabulary and move on to words and phrases that they will see at the beginning of 3rd grade.  This will help ensure they are ready to start the online program when they reach 3rd grade.  We are attempting to tie everything together so that there will eventually be a clear 1st – 6th grade path of learning and speaking.

Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions to help promote this program and to make it a success…it will only have a chance of succeeding with everyone’s cooperation and hard work.


Croatian School Board


Welcome to the 2015-2016 Hrvatska Skola School Year

Dear Families,

We hope you are enjoying the last days of summer! As we gear up for the new school year, we wanted to share the following information with you.

Registration begins and the first day of school are on Friday, September 11, 2015 at 7pm. Registration will run for three Fridays, September 11, 18 and 25. Each family will receive a folder with details and registration forms included.

The Croatian Center will be closed for renovations for most of the school year, therefore we will be gathering in the Velika Dvorana, under the church. Accommodations have been made and we have arranged ample space for our classrooms and to host parents.

Our curriculum program will begin immediately, so please send your child to their classroom. A breakdown will be at the registration tables.

Attached you will find the 2015-2016 school calendar. Please be aware that there is a new attendance policy in place. If your child will miss more than 50% of classes in a semester they will NOT be able to perform in the respective show. Also, please note that we are offering a prize for any child that has perfect attendance per semester. Perfect attendance for the Fall semester will include the first Friday, September 11th.

Many families have inquired about the survey that was taken last semester. We have attached the results for you to review. Since there was no major sway in moving classes to Sundays for the time being we are leaving the schedule as is. We will revisit the topic later this year.

Also, please note that the parent meeting will be held on Friday, September 25th.

We look forward to another great year.

Croatian School Board

Fra. Dražan Boras
Renata Pestić
Violette Deur
Marianna Ćale
Daniela Kolega
Diana Dobra
Lenka Ćurko
Emily Erceg
Andrew Dražić
Angie Paša