Classes cancelled tonight & Stepinčevo info

Please be advised that due to the snow storm today and temperatures dropping tonight with the potential of icy road conditions, we have decided to cancel classes tonight.

For those attending Stepinčevo on Sunday, you will receive an email with details.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you again on Friday, February 19th.

Thank you!

The Croatian School Board

Updates – Jan 6, 2016

Dear Parents,

First of all, we hope you had a wonderful Christmas Season and a Happy New Year.  We wanted to bring your attention to some items.

1) Classes resume on Friday, January 22
 The updated School Calendar has been posted on the “For Parents” page (with some additional days off due to Kardinal Stepinac Kolo Group travels)

2) We’d like to congratulate all the students that had perfect attendance in the Fall 2015 semester.  Congratulations to the students and the efforts of their parents!!!

3) The Spring 2016 attendance policy continues – we will be tracking attendance and will recognize perfect attendance at the Mother’s Day Show.  As informed at registration in September and signed by parents, your child is required to attend 6 classes in order to be able to perform at the Mother’s Day show.  Velika Proba WILL NOT count as one of the days. 

– Aladdin – Broadway Theater – Sunday, April 24th at 3pm – please see flyer that was emailed to everyone.
– Due to lack of reservations, our Camelback trip was cancelled.

5) We will continue sell Apparel on Fridays, see price list that was emailed to everyone.

6) Stepincevo is on Sunday, February 7 – mandatory attendance will be for 5th/6th and 7th/8th grades – details will be sent shortly.

7) We are implementing a phone notification system  as a way to inform you of weather related closings or any emergencies that may occur. We will be able to send you an automated phone call, text, or email, similar to what you receive from your child’s school on a snow day.

You should have received a call to your cell phone yesterday/today from the church phone number (212 area code) asking you to opt-in to receive future notifications. Thank you for all that have responded.  If you have not received a call, please email us so we can verify your cell phone number. (Do not contact the church).

Thank you for your patience as we test this system. As you know, when working with technology, technical difficulties and glitches can occur.

Thank you and we hope to see you on the 22nd!!!
The Croatian School Board

Christmas Show 2015 – Videos

3rd Grade – Himna / National Anthem
1st Poem & 3rd Grade – Generalski Stol
2nd Poem & 4th Grade – Lasinja
5th & 6th Grades – Pregrada
3rd Poem, 7th & 8th Grades – Draganici
Kolo Group Kardinal Stepinac NY (KSNY)

Info for Christmas Show

Below is some important information regarding the Christmas Show this Saturday:

– volunteers needed for:
1) additional backstage hand/runner during the show
2) parent from each grade to sit with the respective students during the show

– Parking – only parking available is street parking and garage parking; the parking lot behind the church will NOT be opened for our use

– Show starts at 7pm sharp – please have your child(ren) dressed and in the Velika Dvorana at 6:30pm

– Nošnja – will be handed out on Friday. If you have not done so please go to the škola website for details. Students are to remain in their seats and nošnjas till the end of the show. An announcement will be made at the end of the show with details on where to return them.

– Seating in front – with the dynamics of the Velika Dvorana making it difficult for everyone to see the stage, we have come up with a resolution. As each grade performs we will call up parents from that particular grade to come up front and sit in the first rows (please be aware we have limited seating and we are recommending only 1-2 people come up front per student performing). There will be a parent monitoring and we ask politely for all to be considerate and rotate and make space for the next set of parents.

– Photos/Video – George Corluka will be taking professional photos during the show. Also we will be videotaping the show and will post it on our website.

– Santa will be making an appearance!!

If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.

Thank you all for your support and we look forward to a great show!

Croatian School Board


Reminders, Dec 3


We wanted to make you aware of the following:

1) ATTENDANCE: With the show in a little over a week, December 12th at 7pm, please be sure that your child(ren) attend the next two classes. With the new attendance policy of 50% attendance required to perform in the show, we appreciate your cooperation and importance of regular attendance.

2) RAFFLES: If you are still interested in donating a gift for the raffle for the Christmas Show, please be sure to contact Diana Dobra.

3) SHOW COMMITTEE: If you have volunteered for Show Committee, you have received an email in regards to assistance with decorating. We will begin decorating tomorrow night, Friday, December 4th. If you have not signed up and are available we appreciate any assistance.

4) NOŠNJA: This year we have taken a different approach to information in regards to Nošnja’s. All information is posted on our website: Please select the tab titled: Christmas Show and all information is listed per grade. No emails will be sent. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the school email or Renata Pestic.

5) TICKET SALES: Tomorrow night, Friday, December 4th is the final night to purchase tickets. Please be sure to make arrangements if you have not purchased your tickets already.

6) PHOTOS: We have added a tab for photos/videos on our website, this is the link – The photos/videos tab is password protected for use only by registered families. 

7) APPAREL/ACCESSORY ORDERS: Our orders have arrived this week! Anyone who ordered any products will receive their items before the end of Škola tomorrow night. Any remaining items will be sold starting Friday, December 11th. Thank you to all who have supported us with their orders and we look forward to your continued support.

Thank you for your attention to all the information in this email.

Croatian School Board