Dear Parents,
As you know, we sent an email in March regarding Board positions.
Hrvatska škola is a volunteer organization and without parents willing to help in its organization and weekly activities it could not function. Parent volunteers, be it on the board or as coordinators of specials, is what makes Hrvatska škola a successful, functioning organization. We are looking for parents to volunteer for various openings on the board for the near future. We are also looking for volunteers for non-board positions.
If you are interested or may know of someone interested please let me know and Fra. Zeljko will speak with you/them to discuss the position. Please consider volunteering your time and effort in continuing to make Hrvatska škola successful.
If these postions, go unfullfilled, it will negatively affect the operations, of Hrvatska škola Please consider volunteering!!!!
Once again, thank you for your time and your consideration.
Yours truly,
Renata Pestic
Vice Principal