Info for Christmas Show

Below is some important information regarding the Christmas Show this Saturday:

– volunteers needed for:
1) additional backstage hand/runner during the show
2) parent from each grade to sit with the respective students during the show

– Parking – only parking available is street parking and garage parking; the parking lot behind the church will NOT be opened for our use

– Show starts at 7pm sharp – please have your child(ren) dressed and in the Velika Dvorana at 6:30pm

– Nošnja – will be handed out on Friday. If you have not done so please go to the škola website for details. Students are to remain in their seats and nošnjas till the end of the show. An announcement will be made at the end of the show with details on where to return them.

– Seating in front – with the dynamics of the Velika Dvorana making it difficult for everyone to see the stage, we have come up with a resolution. As each grade performs we will call up parents from that particular grade to come up front and sit in the first rows (please be aware we have limited seating and we are recommending only 1-2 people come up front per student performing). There will be a parent monitoring and we ask politely for all to be considerate and rotate and make space for the next set of parents.

– Photos/Video – George Corluka will be taking professional photos during the show. Also we will be videotaping the show and will post it on our website.

– Santa will be making an appearance!!

If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.

Thank you all for your support and we look forward to a great show!

Croatian School Board