Reminder, 10/14

Dear Parents,

We wanted to remind you of some updates/announcements:

1) Please remember that the Kardinal Stepinac Kolo Group begin their practice at 9pm in the Velika Dvorana. Please be courteous during their practice and refrain from causing disruptions (talking loudly, children running, etc.)

2) Apparel Order – Attached is the apparel order form. Please remember the deadline is Friday, 10/23. Please leave your orders at the Snack Table in the Box titled “Apparel Orders”.

3) Coloring Contest – Attached is a picture of Kralj Tomislav/King Tomislav – please return by November 13th. We will forward all pictures to the Hrvatska Turisticka naklada in Zagreb. They will choose winners. All submissions will be sent together and hopefully we have at least one winner. All ages are welcome. Be sure to put your Child’s Name and Age on the photo. A box with “Coloring Contest” will be at the snack table.

4) Fright Fest – Payment for Fright Fest is due this Friday, 10/16. The flyer is attached and if you have any additional questions please contact Diana Dobra.

Thank you!